Monday, November 26, 2007
New Panties
Well finally having several instances of running to get something and having my old panties start falling down my legs I broke down and got some new ones.

I'm excited to say that I can now buy panties from Target in a 6 pack for $7. I'm also super happy that I was able to cram my big ol' booty into size 9's which is the size 16 equivalent. I was hoping to find some 10's which are the 18/20's but they didn't have any so I figure the 9's would be a bit snug, but I could deal until either I shrunk some or they stretched out a bit. Really the 9's are fine, not even a muffin top peeking over.

I'm so pleased, I'm not kidding myself that I can cram my butt into 16 jeans, but my 20's are getting loose in the butt and thighs, so I'm hopeful an 18 is not too far away.



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