Thursday, November 29, 2007
After years and years and years of dieting and trying to eat healthy there was one item that I was really looking forward to getting rid of after having the surgery.

That item was the food scale. I was naive enough to believe that after surgery nutrition would for the first time in my life; come to me naturally.

It doesn't. I'm now more than ever, a slave to my food scale. In my quest to accurately log my foods for the weekly visits to the nutritionist, I now weigh all my food as I put it onto my plate,. Then after I am finished eating, if I don't finish my plate, I weigh it all again to figure the amount left uneaten.

I am slowly finding out more and more that rather than surgery to rearrange my guts, maybe I should have had a lobotomy to get rid of what ever is messed up in my head

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Blogger SignGurl said...

I think all of us WLS patients should have had a lobotomy.

Blogger Donna said...

Hmmm, I think I need an "F'd in the Head" label too. I'm with Signgurl... labot's for all!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wonderful and you will stay that way. You do not/did not need a lobotomy.

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