Thursday, October 4, 2007
Oh yes, I met my new nutrionist yesterday and I LOVE, LOVE, L-O-V-E her!

Told her my woes, that shakes make me gag, my other protein drink is starting to make me gag, I have deficiency issues and she was wonderful about it.

I've come home with some new supplements that I am to implement slowly over time (because as she says something is better than nothing), and some samples for a bariatric meal replacement shake which is different than a straight protein drink, because she feels I may have protein sensitivity issues having never been a big protein eater even before surgery. So yay, yay, yay!

I'll be seeing her weekly for the next month while we work through the immediate deficiency issues, and then every other week for a bit.

Finally someone who is willing to work with me rather than just say go do this even if you do throw it all up!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found a reasonable one! Hang in there.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fantastic news.

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