Sunday, July 1, 2007
This weekend the BF and I went to see the new Die Hard movie. Do yourself a favor, go watch it, I haven't been this entertained in a long time. Those action scenes had me clenching up in my seat they were so good.

Today the BF put in the official offer on the condo. So we should know shortly whether or not I can dream about combining our 2 households into a new place, or into the current place. I'm hoping for new since we can paint it anyway we like. Anyway, if it doesn't work out we are just going to give up on Cali and search out the perfect place to move to in a year or so.... and that would be just fine too really.

This weekend we went to a giant nutrition / healthfood store, and I was able to find many different protein drinks to try out, along with some protein bars that I've been able to nibble through. So the protein wagon is starting up again. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

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