Monday, July 9, 2007
10 Steps to Loving Your Body (c) by Pat Ballard
1. Never stand in front of a mirror and think negative thoughts about yourself.

2. Never stand anywhere and think negative thoughts about yourself.

3. Search carefully for your good points and when you have found them, nourish them and build on them and cause them to grow daily.

4. Close your mind to any negative words, thoughts or actions that someone might send your way. Don’t allow negative thoughts into your subconscious.

5. Always conduct yourself in an honorable fashion and don’t allow your mouth to appear larger than your body.

6. Always do your best to look like you care about yourself, as no one respects a slob, no matter what size that slob might be.

7. Learn what your best colors are, what your best hair style is, and what your best clothes style is, and never leave your house without being dressed

8. Always, and without fail, smile and simply say, “Thank you,” when you receive a compliment. Never think or say that the compliment isn’t true.

9. Stop apologizing about your size. Expect everyone to accept you, respect you, and be happy with you just the way you are.

10. But most of all, you have to love yourself. When you love yourself, others will love you and respond to you in the exact manner as you feel about yourself.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed this! Thanks for putting it up there. Now if only I could do it as easily as I can read it, eh! Hope all's well.

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